Jobs That AI Can't Replace

September 11, 2024

Every business in today's world encounters a variety of complicated challenges, from operational inefficiencies to intricate decision-making procedures. To improve their efficiencies and in order to have better output they are using AI or AI-related tools to solve their problems.

The current development in AI makes it accessible to every industry to cater to their specific needs such as an abundance of data, erratic decision-making, inefficient resource allocation, and the requirement for instantaneous insights. These problems can slow down progress, reduce productivity, and jeopardize an organization's ability to succeed as a whole. However, the incorporation of AI lessens these difficulties and drives companies to previously unheard-of heights of performance.

The age of artificial intelligence and automated robots is here, and with it comes many advancements for society. But the main concern on many peopleā€™s minds as we enter the age of automation led by robots and artificial intelligence (AI) is ā€œWill AI take my job?ā€ When selecting a career path, itā€™s important to think about what the future looks like for that field. As we begin to see more automation, it will become imperative to choose a career path that has a low risk of being automated in the future. If that career path is projected to grow over the next decade, even better!

What can all AI do?

As the research in the field of AI is growing, and with the coming of new age technologies like Computer Vision(CV), Natural Language Processing (NLP), and Generative AI(GenAI), now AI can read, write, automate, do data analysis, predictive analysis, risk assessment, resource management, research & development, quality control, optimization management, and create or rather say generate new things for you. Did not see where these things are used in industries, let's get into the details.

Media and entertainment

In the entertainment and social media industry, AI can generate a whole video for the content creation, lots of people use generated video for storytelling, and using AI-generated images for their blog posts, they can generate a whole video for the marketing team and put out new graphics for them to work on. In Journalism and media, AI can write articles for journalists, hence saving their time to work more on the investigating part of their job.

In manufacturing

AIā€™s presence in manufacturing is not new, but recent advancements in machine learning, robotics, and data analytics have accelerated its adoption. From predictive maintenance and quality control to supply chain optimization and autonomous production lines, AI is reshaping every facet of manufacturing operations. AI-enabled tools empower workers by providing actionable insights and decision support, ultimately enhancing productivity and job satisfaction.

Supply chain and Logistics

Optimization of warehouse layout and space utilization, AI facilitates efficient real-time tracking and monitoring of shipments, offering timely alerts for any delays or issues. AI-powered chatbots enhance customer service by providing real-time updates on orders and shipments, offering assistance with inquiries, and Dynamic pricing, AI analyzes vast amounts of real-time data to accurately predict future demand, enabling companies to optimize routes, schedules, inventory management, and transportation details. By leveraging pattern recognition and data analysis capabilities, AI provides actionable insights that facilitate informed decision-making and enhance operational efficiency in logistics operations.

In Healthcare

AI accurately analyzes X-rays and CT scans, improving diagnosis speed and accuracy for diseases like pneumonia and tuberculosis. AI leverages patient data, genetic information, and lifestyle factors to predict disease risks and tailor treatment plans. It assists in selecting optimal chemotherapy drugs based on genetic profiles and monitors patients remotely, detecting early signs of conditions like heart disease or diabetes.

.Utilizing AI algorithms, healthcare providers can streamline medical documentation by automating structured dictation analysis. Through natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning, spoken words from doctors are converted into organized electronic health records (EHRs), saving valuable time and enhancing accuracy. AI offers a transformative approach to drug discovery by analyzing existing medications and identifying potential formulations to combat specific diseases.

Retail and e-commerce

AI scrutinizes customer behavior, preferences, and purchase history, offering tailored product suggestions based on individualized insights. This enhances the shopping experience, increases customer engagement, and boosts sales by presenting items tailored to individual tastes. Dynamic pricing adjustments, ensuring optimal pricing strategies to remain competitive, maximize profits, and respond to market fluctuations effectively. Inventory management and demand forecasting, Chatbots for customer service, Customer churn prediction, automated product tagging and attribute extraction, Customer segmentation, stock management, AI, and natural language processing (NLP) technologies empower e-commerce platforms to combat evolving fraudulent schemes while maintaining a seamless customer shopping experience.

Banking and financial services

AI is utilized in banking and finance for real-time fraud detection by analyzing transaction patterns, identifying anomalies, and flagging potentially fraudulent activities. Machine learning algorithms adapt to evolving fraud patterns, enhancing the security of financial transactions. Credit scoring and risk assessment, Chatbots for customer service, AI algorithms are used in algorithmic trading to analyze market trends, execute trades, and optimize investment portfolios. Anti-Money Laundering (AML) compliance, By leveraging deep learning and natural language processing (NLP), AI systems analyze regulatory changes and enhance decision-making processes, ensuring compliance with evolving standards. AI-driven document processing transforms data extraction, interpretation, and analysis within financial institutions, streamlining workflows and enhancing decision-making processes. AI systems improve operational efficiency, accuracy, and compliance adherence by automating tasks such as statement analysis, contract review, and report generation. These technologies reduce manual effort and errors and unlock valuable insights from complex financial data, enabling organizations to optimize resource allocation and drive strategic growth initiatives.


For students, AI can create personalized learning plans, and AI-driven tutoring systems offer personalized guidance and feedback, elevating the learning experience for students. These systems adapt to individual learning styles, providing targeted assistance and enhancing understanding in various subjects.

Students use LLM models like GPT to make their learning more interactive by asking counter questions to these models.

For teachers and professors, AI assists curriculum planning by analyzing educational data to identify trends and gaps and suggesting updates based on real-time insights and evolving standards. This allows educators to make data-driven decisions, ensuring educational content remains relevant and improves the overall quality of education.

AI significantly improves the fairness and integrity of online exams by using advanced monitoring and authentication techniques to prevent cheating. This reduces the burden on educators and ensures a secure examination environment, promoting trust and academic integrity.

Legal businesses

AI streamlines contract analysis by automating the review and extraction of key clauses, reducing manual effort, and enhancing efficiency in legal document examination.

AI supports legal research by analyzing extensive legal texts, case law, and precedents. This accelerates the research process, providing legal professionals with valuable insights and aiding in more informed decision-making.

AI-powered document automation tools revolutionize the creation of legal documents. These tools streamline the document generation process by reducing errors, saving time, and ensuring document consistency, contributing to more efficient legal workflows. AI evaluates case risk and predicts court outcomes, aiding companies in formulating effective litigation strategies and expediting settlement negotiations. AI-powered online dispute resolution platforms offer efficient alternatives to traditional dispute resolution methods by analyzing disputes and recommending solutions. By fostering fairness and efficiency in resolving conflicts online, AI contributes to streamlining legal processes and reducing costs associated with dispute resolution.

What skills are safe?

Technology is rapidly growing at an unprecedented rate and automation is happening in every industry, the bigger question in the minds of people is what skills are safe from artificial intelligence (AI). While it's true that AI can automate many tasks and processes, certain skills and qualities are unique to the human workforce and cannot be replicated by AI.

There is a noticeable shift in the job market from the emphasis on technical skills to the recognition of the importance of human skills. Human skills are becoming increasingly valuable and in demand. Certain skills that hold key value in the lives of humans separate us from automated machines.Ā 

One of the key reasons why AI cannot replace certain jobs is the essential role of human skills in various fields. These human skills encompass a wide range of abilities that are deeply ingrained in our nature as social beings. Skills such as emotional intelligence, creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving are innately human and are indispensable in many job sectors.

Critical ThinkingĀ 

When the world's best player lost against an algorithm, Henry Kissinger wrote in an article for The Atlantic, ā€œAI is likely to win any game assigned to it. But for our purposes as humans, the games are not only about winning; they are about thinking.ā€

The advanced level of technology we are enjoying right now, could not have been possible without critical thinking. Critical thinking and problem-solving involve the ability to analyze information, evaluate different perspectives, and generate effective solutions. How to analyze an unprecedented situation and how to steer that problem, to find the best possible solution is the key skill.

Emotional intelligence

The special ability of humans to sense the emotions of the person and meet their requirements according to their needs can not be achieved by AI, Emotional intelligence acts as a connective tissue between ourselves and others. As it turns out, emotional intelligence plays a key role in nurturing a psychologically safe environment where creativity flourishes. New ideas, questions, concerns, and mistakes are welcomed without judgment, punishment, or humiliation.Ā  Because these functions are outside the scope of machines, they are increasingly sought after by companies looking to recruit leaders or team mentors.

Communication & Interpersonal Skills

As social beings, communication with others is at the core of many of our most meaningful experiences. In our personal and professional lives, the way we articulate our ideas, present our thoughts and even label our projects can make a world of difference. Good communication is another cornerstone of effective teamwork. It defines how effectively we collaborate, solve problems, and innovate. Interpersonal skills of active listening. Conflict resolution, teamwork, negotiation, and leadership like soft skills AI canā€™t replicate.

As we go deeper into the era where technology like AI is an integral part of our daily tasks, let's not forget the power of clear communication. It's not just about talking or writing; it's about conveying our thoughts in a way that's understood, remembered, and actionable.


The essence of creativity involves inspiration, cultural subtleties, and deep emotional connections. The ability to convey human experiences, emotions, and unique perspectives ensures that creative professionals remain at the forefront of their fields

Part of the reason why the human brain is so adept at critical thinking is its imaginative capacity. While machines outperform us in technical and tactical applications, the human brain is more adept at setting goals and generating creative strategies to achieve them. Because creativity involves novelty and value, it also requires contextual and cultural understanding ā€“ something that current AI struggles to contend with.

Decision-Making in Grey Areas

You can say, what is so special with the decision-making process, AI can also do that, but the AI is trained on the datasets, no matter how big the dataset is, it will not cover all the circumstances in real life. In real life, there is always some unprecedented scenario, where the decision maker has to take a decision which is the best possible solution. AI can never do that. You can find examples of these things in the Judiciary and legal business, or the upper managerial positions in the businesses.

What jobs have these skills

Now we have an idea about what skills are safe from the advancements in the field of artificial intelligence, letā€™s find out what jobs we can go for that will be a safe option

Lawyer & Judges

For this profession, you need to have all the skills of communication, emotional intelligence, critical thinking, and creativity, which AI canā€™t do, each and every case is different and each judgment is different, AI can learn to do the legal research and do the mundane task of filing the paperwork but it canā€™t replace the human skills in this field. This is the area where decision-making in grey area works. Here is theĀ  Study: AI models fail to reproduce human judgements about rule violations

IT and AI Jobs

ChatGPT can write code, but can it solve every problem.. Definitely No. while AI can write code based on data it is trained for, it is still not in a state where it can understand business use cases, break down the business problem into a software/coding problem, and define edge cases from real-world user data.Ā 

Specifically for AI roles in production, monitoring performance on real-world data and debugging issues, re-curating training sets based on real-world data, and improving models in production by model design innovation, require experience and expertise, which is limited only to humans.

Surgeons, Doctors & Nurses

Undoubtedly, technology has significantly improved our ability to identify and diagnose illnesses in any medical report. Microrobots also improve the surgeons' operational precision, allowing for less intrusive treatments.

The patients require human interaction, emotional stability, and care according to their needs, thatā€™s why the roles of Doctors and Nurses are crucial.Ā 
A human presence will always be present in order to make critical decisions.


The hospitality industry operates under the tenet that delivering a personal touch makes people happier and allows them to interact with humans rather than machines. As a result, hotel management, chefs, caterers, and other staff members' jobs are secure in the future.

Psychologists and Psychiatrists

The human touch is essential when it comes to supporting people to succeed in their lives in all of the aspects that it can entail. Although AI can help predict disorders, personalize therapies, and even provide immediate support, it can never take over the role of a compassionate therapist. Therapy requires empathy, active listening, and understanding of human emotions.Ā 

Priests and other spiritual figures

You might not be religious, nor a firm believer in anything really, but spirituality is considered to be a basic aspect of the human experience and it has been so for many centuries.

Priests, clergymen, and other spiritual figures in general played important roles in our societies, giving support and often education also, to millions of generations before when schooling systems were not as developed and when networks of emotional support were less easy to access.

Artists and Writers

Every form in art is storytelling, where the artist is trying to showcase his life or others' life in the form of art. People want to know the struggle, happiness, hard work, and pain behind the art, thatā€™s what incites them the most. Thatā€™s why paintings of da Vinci, and Van Gogh are so revered and popular.Ā 

Same with the case of music people are able to relate to the songs to their present or past memories and find it comforting, thatā€™s why people find Taylor Swift,Ā  Cold Play, and The Beatles so relatable.Ā 

No matter how realistic paintings, articles, stories, and music AI can generate, it canā€™t match the level of creativity and storytelling of the artist. Every generation of artists has something different and creative from the previous one, always evolving, and something new to tell to people.Ā 

People prefer live music and enjoy the time with their loved ones. Thus Singer, Musician, Writer, and Painters are safe from the AI.


People will always prefer humans competing against one another to score a goal, rather than a robot. They have an emotional connection with the athletes and can relate to their efforts on the field.

Even in the Robots Wars BBC show people do enjoy the robot toy cars fighting against each other, but it is the team, they are most attached to. They are interested in what kind of engineering is behind those robots, and how those teams are able to come with the whole design.

Investigative Journalists

AI can help with the reports, analyzing data, and finding patterns in the investigation, they can use automation to go into the conflict zones, without being physically there, but in the end, journalists are the decision-makers in the whole process. AI canā€™t replace the critical thinking, intuition, and ethical judgment that investigative journalism requires. Using AI and automation is not against, but helpful for them.

Public Service

AI can do the mundane tasks of paperwork, but the public service requires leadership skills, empathy, and emotional intelligence, hence these jobs canā€™t be replaced. While robots are used in life-threatening situations for example The Thailand Cave rescue in which the Boring company used unmanned submarines for the rescue of football team of young boys or Firefighting robots, they are programmed accordingly but always need human supervision to carry out the process smoothly.Ā 

Robots and automation processes also do not understand the societal nuances, they are different for different regions, so we need administrative services to overlook their smooth functionality.Ā 

  • Police
  • Fireman
  • Administrative Jobs
  • Quality Checks(Food Inspector)
  • EMT

Research and Development

Scientific research and its subsequent innovation always involve exploring the unknown, curiosity, formulating hypotheses and hunches, and constant experimentation, all of which rely on human creativity and insight and a faith that somewhere down the line is an innovation we may not be able to see right now. Roles like Research scientist, and research assistant are safe from it.

Engineering Roles

Core engineering roles require critical thinking in designing the bridge or building, improving the PCB design, and making new materials for the spaceship design. So engineers in the fields of Civil, Electrical, Chemical, and Electronics Engineering are safe.


Jobs that really require lots of mobility and dexterity and problem-solving ability in unpredictable environmentsā€. Many trade jobs electricians, plumbers, welders, Mechanics, Carpenter, and the like ā€“ fall under this umbrella. These are the kinds of jobs where you're dealing with a new situation all the time. They are probably the hardest of anything to automate. To automate jobs like this, you would need a science fiction robot. Youā€™d need Star Warsā€™s C-3PO.ā€

Leadership Roles(Director, CEO, Managers)

Managing teams inside an organization is a matter of Leadership and this is not a stack of behaviors that can be written down in a code and processed in a linear way. Managers are also responsible for analyzing market trends and business strategies, weighing various factors and risks to align decisions with the organization's objectives and values. A successful manager should be emotionally intelligent and capable of balancing unbiased decisions with the organization's best interests - a role AI cannot fulfill independently. They also have to make decision into the grey areas for the smooth internal working of the business.

Human Resources Managers

The Human Resources department of the company will probably always require a human at the head to use non-cognitive and reasoning skills to handle interpersonal problems. The ability to solve problems, comprehend context, and possess specialized business expertise also make humans more suitable for this work.Ā 

Personal Care

Jobs involved in the area of personal care, which requires a human touch, and the soft skills to understand the personal requirements of the people are Barbers, Makeup Artists, Personal trainers, Swimming Instructors, Masseuse.

What jobs will be replaced?

The global management consulting firm McKinsey & Company predict that by 2030, 375 million workers ā€“ roughly 14 percent of the global workforce ā€“ may need to switch occupations. The report's authors are quick to put this in context, reminding readers that the orders of magnitude here are akin to the shift from agriculture to manufacturing. But the main concern on many peopleā€™s minds as we enter the age of automation led by robots and artificial intelligence (AI) is ā€œWill AI take my job?ā€ When selecting a career path, itā€™s important to think about what the future looks like for that field. As we begin to see more robots taking over jobs, it will become increasingly important to choose a career path that has a low risk of being automated in the future. If that career path is projected to grow over the next decade, even better!

Manufacturing And Assembly Line Jobs

In the manufacturing sector, AI and robotics have become indispensable, particularly for repetitive physical tasks. Robots equipped with AI can perform tasks such as assembling products, welding, and packaging with greater precision and efficiency than humans. These systems are especially beneficial in high-volume production settings, where they can work tirelessly without breaks, reducing costs and increasing productivity. As a result, many manufacturing and assembly line jobs are being replaced by automated systems.

Basic Analytical Roles

Basic analytical jobs, such as simple financial analysis or report generation, are also moving toward automation. AI systems can process large datasets, identify trends, and generate reports with greater speed and accuracy than humans. These capabilities are particularly useful for tasks that involve routine data analysis, such as generating financial summaries, market reports, or performance metrics. As AI continues to improve, more basic analytical roles will be automated, shifting the demand toward more complex and strategic analytical tasks.

Entry-Level Graphic Design

Graphic design is not immune to the AI revolution. AI tools are now capable of producing basic design elements, automating simple graphic design tasks that once required human designers. These tools can create logos, social media posts, and even website layouts, providing quick and cost-effective solutions for businesses. While AI-generated designs may lack the creative flair and uniqueness of human designers, they are sufficient for many basic design needs, putting entry-level graphic design jobs at risk.

Data Entry and Administrative Tasks

One of the first job categories in AI's crosshairs is data entry and administrative tasks. AI excels in processing and organizing vast amounts of data quickly and with precision, making roles centered around data entry, document scanning, and information sorting highly vulnerable. These tasks are repetitive and rule-based, ideal candidates for automation. However, workers in this role may transition to data science analysis or become data management specialists, focusing on interpreting and deriving insights from complex data sets.

Customer Service

The customer service sector is undergoing a major transformation thanks to AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants. These technologies can handle customer inquiries, bookings, and support issues with remarkable efficiency, providing round-the-clock service and instant responses. While human empathy and complex problem-solving skills are still valuable, many basic customer service roles are at risk. AI can manage high-volume queries, offer personalized assistance, and even handle complaints, reshaping traditional customer service roles and reducing the need for large call center teams.


AI-powered diagnostic tools and algorithms can assist radiologists in interpreting medical images more accurately and efficiently.Ā  Radiologists can evolve their roles to focus on complex cases and patient consultations or specialize in interventional radiology and minimally invasive procedures.

Market Research Analysts

AI can automate data collection and analysis in market research. AI's ability to conduct market research allows analysts to focus on interpreting insights and developing strategic recommendations. Market research analysts can specialize in consumer behavior analysis, computing and information sciences, competitive intelligence, or strategic planning.


While AI can automate specific accounting tasks, accountants can leverage AI tools to enhance their capabilities. Accountants may find their focus shifting to financial analysis and strategic consulting or specialize in managing AI-driven accounting systems.


AI-powered legal research tools can streamline information gathering and conducting legal analysis. Paralegals can adapt by focusing on case strategy development and client communication or specialize in areas where human judgment and interpretation are crucial.

Retail Salesperson

AI technologies, such as personalized product recommendations and virtual shopping assistants, can enhance the retail shopping experience. Retail salespersons can become experts in product knowledge and customer relationship building or transition to visual merchandising and store management roles.


Self-checkout systems and mobile payment solutions are becoming increasingly prevalent, reducing the need for traditional cashiers. Cashiers can transition to customer service and sales associate roles or explore opportunities for inventory management and supply chain operations.

What you should do to avoid being replaced by an AI?

There are several things you can do to prepare for the changing job market and ensure that your skills remain relevant in the age of automation:

  1. Develop skills that cannot be easily automated: Focus on developing skills that require human creativity, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence, such as leadership, problem-solving, and communication.
  2. Stay up-to-date with technology: Keep yourself informed about the latest advances in AI and automation and learn how they can be applied to your industry or profession.
  3. Be adaptable: Embrace change and be open to learning new skills and technologies as they emerge.
  4. Build a diverse skillset: Develop a range of skills that can be applied to different roles and industries, rather than specializing in a narrow field.
  5. Build relationships: Develop strong relationships with colleagues, clients, and other professionals to create opportunities for collaboration and networking.
  6. By following these strategies, you can position yourself to succeed in the changing job market and avoid being replaced by AI.

In the IBM report, where new technologies will disrupt 85 million jobs, but will also create 97 million new jobs. In every industry, people should not fear AI, but instead use it as a tool to improve their productivity. It is essentially the next level of automation, and the focus will shift from manual work to decision-making.

People wanting to connect with other humans is a significant part of what makes us human. It doesnā€™t always have to be physical, but it needs to be real.

Second, the assertion that most blue-collar workers will be replaced by hardware also seems quite unrealistic. I mean, sure, automation will impact many areas such as manufacturing,Ā  and transportation. But itā€™s not replacing most tradesmen for the next 20+ years including plumbers, electricians, auto repair, housekeeping, gardeners, construction workers, etc.

As Amaraā€™s Law states:
ā€œWe tend to overestimate the effect of a technology in the short run and underestimate the effect in the long run.ā€


This article is written by Gaurav Sharma, a member of 123 of AI, and edited by the 123 of AI team.

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